It's really a long long queue there.....

'Queen of Sheba' Dress in Vive La Cocotte A/W 1995
I think it is the most attractive item in the show room!!!

It was inspired by pagan themes in Tiepolo's paintings
and embroidered by the corsetier Mr Pearl. ( genius!!! )

Ostrich feathers and glass beads, worn over a foundation of corset and cage
Elegant, glamorous and gorgeous!!!!!
Vivienne Westwood is very smart.
She knows how to stick out the lady's body shape
and make it more attractive by using tailoring, bustles and corsets.

Here is the ' Metropolitan' suit in Vivi La Cocotte A/W 1995

Vivienne Westwood also doesn't mind telling people that
she interested in and even copied the work of the French couturier Christian Dior,
in particular his use of men's styling for the female form. ( reflected by the above suit )
Just because she believe in copying if you can. There is nothing better.
I do admire and agree what she said.
I think copying can easily be found in the fashion industry.
Sometimes, I believe the designers may just copy or inspire from others but just adding somethings that suit their styles and then become their own designs or ideas.

Although I am not a super fan of Vivienne Westood,
( I love her accessories rather than her clothing)
I will remember what she told me. XD

It's time to go...
Say bye and thank you to this meaningful exhibition >3<